At Toplift we work extremely close together with the factory making luggage bags, to help you make almost any modification that you like for the bags. Below is a section of bags made to customers to inspire you on what is possible – and almost anything is.
To get a personal quote on for the exact design that you want on your bag – you need to get in contact with us. Send an e-mail on or use the contact section to let us know how you would like your bags!
Many of the examples below are made by hand in real leather specifically to each customers demand. As you see, you have the possibility to remove or replace the standard logo with your own logo or text, choose the real leather colour and the colour of the seams of the bags. Even the inside colour might be altered. You can even add diamond pattern pressed or stitched on the front panel of the bags. Or contrasting real leather handles and panels.
So, lets have a look of great examples made uniquely to customers to date below. You can click to open the smaller pictures in a bigger window. We look forward to hearing your ideas!