Universal attachment fixings for car mats

(34 customer reviews)

We know the feeling of car mats moving around interfering with your driving experience. That is why we offer these excellent universal fixing system for all car mats.

The fixings are optimized for thick quality textile mats (like the ones we offer here at Toplift), but customer have tried them also on rubber mats and they seem to work quite OK (it might be necessary to add a little bracket or two, in order to secure them well to the rubber mats. These brackets are not supplied with the fixings, but we are sure you can dins something at home to use for securing them, if you feel there are need to).

They are really a quite simple but genius solution. You need to make two holes (about 8 mm) in the mat you want to secure. Then place a fixing in each hole, and pin it to the floor mat below. See the pictures in the slide show (click on the big image to the left).

Each set comes with 4 fixings, that normally is needed to secure two mats.

A mounting instruction is supplied with the fixing kit.

Do not miss to check out the video below (grey tab video on the bottom of this page). It is in Swedish, but gives you a good view of how they work and looks like. Please note they are shown in the last part of the video.

Normal delivery time: 2-3 work days.


SKU: bilmattor_universal_fasten_4st_sauf_001 Category: Tags: , ,


Are you fed up with you car mats moving around all over the place? This is the perfect solution to have them pinned down once and for all…

Additional information

Weight1.0 kg
Dimensions40 × 20 × 20 cm

34 reviews for Universal attachment fixings for car mats

  1. English

    Olle Sjögren

    Funkar kanon, även den halaste matta håller sig på plats. Snabb leverans också.

  2. English

    Olle Sjögren

    Works very well, even the most slippery of car mats stay well in place. Fast delivery as well.

  3. English

    Kenneth Werf

    Leverans och kommunikation proffsigt utfört.

  4. English

    Kenneth Werf

    Delivery and communication was very professional.
    I am very satisfied.

  5. English


    Äntligen ligger alla mattor still, då endast förarsidan på min bil har krokar i golvet original. (Lustigt).
    Kom på posten efter 2 dagar.
    Perfekt med smidig beskrivning och tips.

  6. English

    Daniel Kanat

    Finally all mats are lying still, as the only mat that has hooks from original in my car is the drivers mat (strange).
    They arrived in the mail after 2 days.
    Perfect with instructions and helpful tips.

  7. English

    Jan Wirén

    fungerar perfekt i min Rover V8 / jan

  8. English

    Jan Wirén

    Works perfect in my rover V8 / Jan

  9. English

    Kim Lindskog

    suveräna mattfästen. Äntligen har man kontroll över pedalerna när mattorna är där dom ska vara.

  10. English

    Kim Lindskog

    Exceptionell functional holders for the floor mats. Finally I am in control at the pedals, when the mats stay in place.

  11. English


    Köpte nyligen mattor till min maserati GT överträffade alla förväntningar. Vg se tidigare omdöme. Det behövdes en fästanordning så att mattorna ej glider utan säkert ligger på plats. Toplift hade en mycket smartlösning på detta enkel att montera jag är fullt nöjd rekommenderas varmt.

    Nöjd Maserati ägare Helsingborg

  12. English


    I recently bought floor mats from Toplift to my Maserati GT, and they surpassed my expectations (see separate review). I also needed attachment fixings so that the mats do not slip around on the floor. Toplift have this very smart solution for this, that is very easy to install and these are warmly recommended.

    From a satisfied Maserati owner in Helsingborg

  13. English


    Har under en längre tid haft stora bekymmer med passande mattor i min älskade Isuzu D-Max. Låter kanske lite löjligt men har en inkomplett ryggmärg skada som gör att jag är muskelsvar och har nersatt känsel i benen. Detta tillsammans med att mattorna låg löst gjorde att mattorna fastna i min vänstergas hela tiden. Har nu kört med mattorna och funkar perfekt samt att det var väldigt enkel att installera fästena både bak och fram. Skulle rekommendera er att använda typ livrem/bältes hål-tagare till att göra hålen i gummi mattorna för först donet. Ser fabriks installerat ut 🙂


  14. English


    I have now for a very long time had big trouble finding a mat solution to my beloved Isuzu D-max. This might seem a little strange at first, but I have got back problems from an injury, making me week in some muscles and limited sense in my legs. This in combination with the floor mats laying loose made the mats constantly get caught up in the gas pedal. I have now been driving around with these attachments installed, and it works perfect. The were also very easy to install. I recommend other users to use a hole taking device (like you use for belts for example) to make the holes in the rubber mats. It makes it look factory installed 🙂
    Best regards, Björn

  15. English


    Jättesnabb leverans av en produkt som håller vad den lovar.

  16. English


    Very fast delivery of a product that live up to the expectations.

  17. English

    Tord Carlsson

    Äntligen ligger mattorna på sin plats

    Nöjd Mazda miata ägare

  18. English

    Tord Carlsson

    Finally the mats are secured.
    From a satisfied Mazda Miata owner.

  19. English


    Bra produkt som håller mattorna i min Boxster på plats. Klart prisvärd och snabb leverans. Rekommenderas

  20. English


    Great product that keep the mats in my Boxster well in place. Very price worthy and fast delivery. I recommend this.

  21. English


    Fantastiskt enkelt och smart. Mattan sitter på plats.
    Mycket bra lösning.

  22. English


    Fantastic easy and smart. The mats are now in place.
    A very good solution.

  23. English

    Susanne Gunnarsson

    Funkar perfekt.
    Snabb leverans!

  24. English

    Susanne Gunnarsson

    Works perfect.
    Fast delivery!

  25. English

    Carlos Murakami

    Unik och smart produkt till ett bra pris, och som fungerar till 97% 🙂
    Förbättringspotential finns dock: Det vore bra med en tunnare version av “nål-delen”, för ex. gummimattor som generellt är tunnare än textilmattor. På mina mattor hänger egentligen skruvknapparna ett par milimeter “i luften” trots att de är åtdragna, vilket gör att de har en tendens att lossna lite när passagerarna ofriviligt kommer åt de med sina fötter. Skulle de ligga an mattorna skulle det bli större friktion och de skulle nog inte lossna lika lätt. MEN ÖVERLAG EN MKT BRA LÖSNING!

  26. English

    Carlos Murakami

    Unique and smart product to a good price, and it works well to 97% 🙂
    The improvement that exists is: It would be good with a thinner version of the “needle part”, to use with rubber mats that generally are thinner than textile mats. On my mats the screw side buttons are a millimeter or two above the mats, even though they are tightened, which can make the to loosen if passengers by accident get to them with their feet. If the rubber mats were tightly secured with better friction, they should not be loosened by accident. BUT OVERALL A VERY GOOD SOLUTION!

  27. English

    Johnny jarhall

    Mycket snabb hantering.
    Beställde på Lördagen, hade produkten i brevlådan på tisdagen.

  28. English

    Johnny jarhall

    Very fast handling of the order.
    I ordered it on Saturday, and had it in my mail box on Tuesday.

  29. English


    Trevligt bemötande och snabb leverans.
    Skall man ha någon synpunkt är det att fästena är gjorda till förhållandevis tjocka mattor vilket gör att de inte ”klämmer åt” om tunna mattor. Jag kortade av hylsorna ett par millimeter och då blev det bättre. Nu återstår att se hur bra de sitter fast, det märker jag när åksäsongen börjar.

  30. English


    Very good customer service and fast delivery.
    If I should have some opinion, it would be that the attachments are made for relatively thick textile mats, which makes them not “press together” thinner mats so well. I shortened the upper part a few millimeters and then it got better. Now it still remains to se how well they are secured, but this I will learn when the drivning season starts.

  31. English

    Kenneth Duvefelt

    Mina clips på dörrmattorna hade rostat bort… Det här blev en enkel, snabb och bra lösning-

  32. English

    Kenneth Duvefelt

    My clips on the floor mats had rusted away…. This was a simple, fast and good solution.

  33. English

    Björn Nygren

    Bra och enkel produkt som verkligen gör jobbet. Snabb leverans.

  34. English

    Björn Nygren

    A great and useful product that really solves the problem. Fast delivery.

Show only reviews in English (17)

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