News from Toplift and our assortment is communicated via press release and newsletters to the Toplift customer base and on our Facebook page
If you want to have news sent to you by e-mail, please let us know and we will add you to the contact list.
Below we show all the news from Toplift as well as a selection of news articles and information about Toplift in the media. Below is also high resolution logos and other elements to use for media (please always let us know before using these).
Toplift press releases (click the link below to open the document in pdf):
2015-03-23 New design SmartTOPS to Peugeot 307 CC and 308 CC (pdf).
Toplift news and media:
2019-06-30 Story from customer in the Swedish MG paper MG Bullentinen, no 4 2019. Click the picture below to read the whole story.

2010-08-14 Wind blockers in Swedish Magazine “Tidningen Bilsport”;
2010-08-12 Test of wind blockers in Swedish Magazine “Tidningen Klassiker”. The result was 3 out of 5 possible, and then no concern was taken to the positive fact that no drilling or other damages is made to the car, and that the winddeflector is transparent, and not efecting the great looks of the car!
2010-08-10 Wind blockers in Swedish Magazine “Bil och Verkstad”: